Resilient Ecosystems

Protecting important places that enhance biodiversity and resilience, and providing opportunities to engage with and learn about nature in California and Hawaiʻi.

This program connects people and places in California and Hawaiʻi and ensures habitat and biodiversity are protected for healthy ecosystems to last into the future. Work in this program supports opportunities to engage with nature and builds the next generation of environmental stewards who can protect our natural world’s important places.

Grants in Resilient Ecosystems

Protecting Important Places supports stewardship and ecosystem restoration efforts, such as coastal habitat protection that is possible by reducing land-based sources of pollution or reestablishing native plants. It also supports land acquisition and protections.

Engagement with nature inspires wonder and respect.

Through Connecting People and Nature, we make grants connecting kids (K-12) and their communities to the incredible natural resources surrounding them. These projects focus on environmental education, access to the outdoors for diverse populations and community-based science.