Public School Teachers

Education plays a key role in helping people to fulfill their potential for success in all aspects of life.

Talented and dedicated teachers provide encouragement, recognize ability and difference, and challenge and nurture their students. As a part of our Public School Teachers Program, we hope that when teachers are celebrated, their curiosity, passion and purpose is catalyzed.

Talented and dedicated teachers deserve encouragement.

Grants for Public School Teachers

Too often, public school teachers don’t have the flexible, short-term resources to support creative, hands-on activities for their students. Classroom Grants help ensure that teachers are able to provide well-rounded programs in public education — including arts, music, science, math and experience outside the classroom.

Through the Awards in Teaching, the Foundation supports the Council of Chief State School Officers’ Teachers of the Year. The Foundation celebrates exceptional educators across the country who were selected for excellence in teaching and learning and a commitment to the profession.

Teacher Experiences provide ways for the Foundation to support professional development and experiential learning opportunities not otherwise supported by districts. These experiences may include summer learning, travel experiences or attending conferences.