
The Foundation makes grants that support its broad interest areas of field-based science, art and craft, teaching, and protection of the natural world.


Compass For Youth

Field Biology Field Research Fellowships and Internships
To support the Community College Field Biology Alliance, to enable 15 undergraduates currently enrolled in community colleges in the greater Los Angeles area to participate in a 6-month long hybrid field research internship
  • $15,000
  • 1 Year
  • Granted in 2023

Craft Emergency Relief Fund

Craft Small Grants for Craftspeople
To support the Get Ready and Emergency Assistance Grant Programs
  • $210,000
  • 3 Years
  • Granted in 2023 Active

Crafting The Future

Craft Craft Fellowships and Scholarships
To support BIPOC artists with scholarships for craft programs; Impact Grants; and micro grants
  • $150,000
  • 3 Years
  • Granted in 2023 Active

Cranbrook Educational Community

Craft Craft Fellowships and Scholarships
To support grants for materials to graduate students in craft
  • $45,000
  • 3 Years
  • Granted in 2023 Active

Desert Botanical Garden

Field Biology Field Research Fellowships and Internships
To support two undergraduate or graduate students in field-based internships
  • $15,000
  • 1 Year
  • Granted in 2023 Active

Earth Island Institute

Food Food Systems Fellowships and Internships
To support a Food Shift internship(s) focused on food waste
  • $15,000
  • 1 Year
  • Granted in 2023 Active

Ecological Society of America

Field Biology Field Research Fellowships and Internships
To support the Strategies for Ecology Education, Diversity and Sustainability (SEEDS) program, which may include regional field trip(s) and conference attendance
  • $15,000
  • 1 Year
  • Granted in 2023

Environmental Leadership Program

Resilient Ecosystems Connecting People and Nature
To support the RAY Conservation Fellowship Program, with a focus on fellows working in California or Hawaiʻi
  • $100,000
  • 2 Years
  • Granted in 2023 Active

Esf College Foundation

Field Biology Field Research Fellowships and Internships
To support graduate and post-doctoral field biology research, and/or scholarships for undergraduate field experiences at Cranberry Lake Biological Station
  • $45,000
  • 3 Years
  • Granted in 2023 Active

Esf College Foundation

Field Biology Science Illustration Internships
To support scientific illustration internships at SUNY ESF Cranberry Lake Biological Station
  • $15,000
  • 1 Year
  • Granted in 2023 Active

Field Museum of Natural History

Field Biology Science Illustration Internships
To support a scientific illustration internship for an undergraduate or graduate student focusing on native bees
  • $10,000
  • 1 Year
  • Granted in 2023

Field Projects International

Field Biology Science Illustration Internships
To support an undergraduate, graduate student or early career intern(s) in documenting and/or illustrating field biology research in international field sites, and data visualization
  • $15,000
  • 1 Year
  • Granted in 2023 Active

Filoli Center

Resilient Ecosystems Protecting Important Places
To support nature trail building and maintenance
  • $40,000
  • 2 Years
  • Granted in 2023 Active

Finger Lakes Community College Foundation

Field Biology Field Research Fellowships and Internships
To support the summer coral reef conservation field experience
  • $15,000
  • 1 Year
  • Granted in 2023 Active

First Peoples Fund

Craft Awards and Prizes
To support the Jennifer Easton Community Spirit Awards and the Oglala Lakota Artspace Artist-in-Residency program with a focus on material artists
  • $120,000
  • 3 Years
  • Granted in 2023 Active

Friends of Sheldon Jackson Museum

Craft Craft Fellowships and Scholarships
To support the Native Alaskan Residency Program
  • $15,000
  • 1 Year
  • Granted in 2023

Friends of Zenger Farm

Food Food Systems Fellowships and Internships
To support the Beginning Farmer Apprenticeship Program
  • $15,000
  • 1 Year
  • Granted in 2023 Active

Georgia Tech Foundation

Diversity and Inclusion in Art, Design and Computing
To strengthen the pipeline of underrepresented minority (URM) students pursuing higher education and careers in computational media (CM) through outreach, curricular innovation, scholarships/fellowships, mentorship and collaboration within Georgia Tech's Colleges of Computing, Design and the Ivan Allen College of Liberal Arts, and with other partner institutions in Atlanta
  • $500,000
  • 5 Years
  • Granted in 2023 Active

Golden Gate National Parks Conservancy

Resilient Ecosystems Connecting People and Nature
To support the LINC Summer High School Program and/or Internships
  • $20,000
  • 1 Year
  • Granted in 2023

Greater Farallones Association

Resilient Ecosystems Connecting People and Nature
To support LiMPETS (Long-Term Monitoring Program and Experiential Training for Students) and/or Visitor Center Education Programs
  • $20,000
  • 1 Year
  • Granted in 2023

Greenwich House

Craft Craft Fellowships and Scholarships
To support the Greenwich House Pottery Artists-in-Residence Program
  • $45,000
  • 3 Years
  • Granted in 2023 Active

Handweavers Guild of America

Craft Craft Fellowships and Scholarships
To support the Convergence internship program for undergraduate or graduate students enrolled in fiber arts programs
  • $30,000
  • 2 Years
  • Granted in 2023 Active

Hawaiʻi Land Trust

Resilient Ecosystems Protecting Important Places
To support the Mahukona Project and ʻĀina Protection Projects with a focus on Coastlines and Lands that grow healthy food
  • $150,000
  • 1 Year
  • Granted in 2023

Haystack Mountain School of Crafts

Craft Craft Fellowships and Scholarships
To support six BIPOC fellowships for two-week intensive studio workshops during the 2024 summer season
  • $15,000
  • 1 Year
  • Granted in 2023


Food Food Systems Fellowships and Internships
To support seasonal interns in spending 10-weeks on the farm to gain hands-on experience learning ancient Hawaiian traditional methods of farming, important cultural lessons and life skills
  • $15,000
  • 1 Year
  • Granted in 2023 Active